This is a two-sided book. The Frosty Nights side will take you from the first frosty nights of winter through the celebration of Christmas. "Little House in the Big Woods" and "The Bear Went Over the Mountain" are just two of the stitcheries. Get ready for the Christmas season by making a wall quilt or stitchery celebrating the coming of the Christ Child. You may choose to stay inside and make a snowman guaranteed not to melt! Pillows, wall quilts, stitcheries and framed pictures are projects featured in this side of the book. The Blessed Baby side celebrates the miracle of birth, whether it be the Blessed Christ Child or your own blessed baby. Snowmen, angels, and blessed babies in shades of soft pastels, embellish the wall quilts, pillows, stitcheries, quilts and framed pictures in this side of the book.
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